

ContainerAccessor.getRootContainer(): Container

Get the global root container.

ContainerAccessor.resetRootContainer(): void

Reset the global root container. All bindings will be removed.


@Injectable(): ClassDecorator

Declare a dependency as injectable.

@Provide(options?): ClassDecorator

Declare a dependency as injectable and provide it to the container automatically when the decorator is applied.

  • options: Provide options.

@Inject(id?): ParameterDecorator | PropertyDecorator

Inject a dependency.

  • id: The dependency identifier.

@MultiInject(id?): ParameterDecorator | PropertyDecorator

Inject all matching dependencies as an array (multi-injection).

  • id: The dependency identifier.

@Optional(): ParameterDecorator | PropertyDecorator

Optionally inject a dependency only if it is already bound in the container.

@InjectRootContainer(): ParameterDecorator | PropertyDecorator

Inject the root container object.

DecoratorUtility.createProvideDecoratorFactory(presetOptions, lifeCycleOptions?): (options?) => ClassDecorator

Create Provide decorator factory.

  • presetOptions: The preset default options.
  • lifeCycleOptions: The life cycle options to be called while registering provider.

Deferred Scope

DeferredScopeUtility.createDeferredScopeContainer(parentContainer?): Container

Create a deferred scope sub container.

All deferred scope providers will be bound to this sub container.

  • parentContainer: The parent container (default to root container).

DeferredScopeUtility.getDeferredScopeProvidersById(id): DeferredScopeProvider[]

Get deferred scope providers of specified identifier.

  • id: The dependency identifier.


DIUtility.getResolvedIdentifier(idOrTarget): DependencyIdentifier

Get resolved identifier of the dependency that can be used in the container.

If the identifier is a string, it will be converted to Provide<${string}>, otherwise the provided identifier will be used directly.

  • idOrTarget: The specified identifier token or the target class.

DIUtility.bindProvider(options, container?): Binding

Bind a provider to the container.

  • options: The options of provider.
  • container: The container to bind to, default to root container.

DIUtility.provideClass(options): Binding

Provide a class as a dependency.

  • options: Provider options.

DIUtility.provideValue(options): Binding

Provide a value as a dependency.

  • options: Provider options.

DIUtility.getDependency<T>(id, container?): T

Get the dependency by the specified identifier.

  • id: The dependency identifier.
  • container: The container to get the dependency from (default to root container).